To Raise 1k in a day for ROSY, SUP 2019 (A lesson of discipline)

To Raise 1k in a day for ROSY, SUP 2019 (A lesson of discipline)

One of our ROSY ambassadors, Tom Alden, has recently embarked on a day long SUP (Stand-up Paddle Board) adventure down The Thames River in aid of ROSY. One of many challenges he has undertaken over the years, providing valuable support to ROSY. Details of his...
Golf Day and Dinner @ Tadmarton Heath

Golf Day and Dinner @ Tadmarton Heath

The Dinner Fundraiser and a Charitable Day (Year) for Golf at Tadmarton Heath Golf Club by Keith Spengler Every year at Tadmarton Heath Golf Club the Vice Captains get to choose the Charity to be supported by the Club the following year. We were looking for a local...
Annual ROSY Walk

Annual ROSY Walk

The 2019 ROSY Walk was a huge success with nearly 100 participants, including 6 of our wonderful respite nurses. The walk started in Wilcote and followed a beautiful route through Cornbury Park, the Wychwood Forest, Ditchley and Blenheim before turning back to Wilcote...

Donation from the Oxfordshire Resolution Committee

The Oxfordshire Resolution Committee recently sent us a fantastic cheque for £1,135, proceeds from the raffle at their summer event. Thank you all so much for thinking about us and for your valuable support.

The ISIS Lodge

We have received tremendous support from the Masonic Movement over the years and we have recently received £100 from the ISIS Lodge in Oxford. Thank you all for your fantastic support.

A Lovely Letter from Tilly and Kit

“We are Tilly and Kit Kingsbury, we are 10 and 9 years old and we go to the Dragon school in Oxford. Our Grandma, Dilys Alban-Moore helps to raise Money for Rosy and she has told us all about the charity. “We asked our school committee if we could recommend that ROSY...